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Personal Work

B e s t i a r i A b e r r a n t
Sculptural group that sequences the ritual
of courtship between a wasp and an orchid, a transspecies symbiotic representation that has been used by the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to describe the concept of mutual becoming.
of courtship between a wasp and an orchid, a transspecies symbiotic representation that has been used by the philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to describe the concept of mutual becoming.

Greyhounds are mostly known as timid creatures that are afraid of people. Not so strange if you know the Spanish Galgo suffers abandonment and other atrocities. But, actually, they are delightful, they love to play, cuddle and occupy the couch in all kinds of postures, oh, I almost forgot they are sneaky! They know how to persuade you to give away your plate of food, or suddenly in a flash the food that was on the counter is…. Gone! Apart from that, they run like the wind, but mostly, they are lazy cuddly couch potatoes.

Aberrant Bestiary
Sculptural group that sequences the courtship ritual between a wasp and an orchid, a symbiotic, trans-
species figuration that has been used by thinkers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to describe the concept of mutual becoming.
text: Christian M. Alonso
Image: Edu Pedrocchi
species figuration that has been used by thinkers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari to describe the concept of mutual becoming.
text: Christian M. Alonso
Image: Edu Pedrocchi

Bestiari Aberrant
this work is baptist ‘Bestiari Aberrant’ by Christian M. Alonso for the exhibition 'Imaginaris multiespècies' at La Capella Barcelona.
It is a sequense of a magical orchid tricking a wasp to fall in love in order to polinate <3
It is a sequense of a magical orchid tricking a wasp to fall in love in order to polinate <3

Stop Bugging Me!
Illustration for the exhibition about the 'Animals Autòctons'.
Bird fishes himself a tasty snail for snack.
Bird fishes himself a tasty snail for snack.

Unicorns Are Real
Illustration for the exhibition about the 'Animals Autòctons'.
Snail makes the white horsey into a magic creature!
Snail makes the white horsey into a magic creature!

Slimey is the best!
Illustration for the exhibition about the 'Animals Autòctons'.
Cleo, the greyhound, loves to splash in the river, sniffle and explore in all senses.
Cleo, the greyhound, loves to splash in the river, sniffle and explore in all senses.

Lets talk rights!
Being a Dutchie from a sea town, it was about time to start making tiles! The four mermaids talk in sign: justice, human rights, sustainability and love <3
work commisioned by lawyers office of Martí Garriga
work commisioned by lawyers office of Martí Garriga

Pick Up Your Junk
The mermaid is setting a seahorse free that is stuck in a bucket.
Artwork commisioned to form part of the art collection of the Council of Sant Boi. 2021
Artwork commisioned to form part of the art collection of the Council of Sant Boi. 2021

Love At First Sight
Illustration for the exhibition about the 'Animals Autòctons'.
A confused worm falls instantly in love with the tail.
A confused worm falls instantly in love with the tail.

Illustration for the exhibition about the 'Animals Autòctons'.
Candela, my frenchie, loves a good belly rub and a swim in the river.
Candela, my frenchie, loves a good belly rub and a swim in the river.

Switch Roles
It's time to set things straight, Little Red Riding Hood took over in this abusive relation.

The little beastie is swiming joyously.

Snow White's heart
Snow White's heart in a pharmacy bottle, or was it from a deer?

Magical Artifacts
Poison in a bottle
Sample fabric of the emperor's new clothes
Poison Apple
Sample fabric of the emperor's new clothes
Poison Apple

The Golden Ball
The Pea of the princess
The thron of sleeping beauty
Wind-Up Bird Nightingale
The Pea of the princess
The thron of sleeping beauty
Wind-Up Bird Nightingale

Magic Bean
Bottle up some magic for a rainy day!

The big bad wolf got himself a piece of granny!

Cooking Sardins, I mean Mermaids
Mermaid is chilling in the pan. She will enchant you!

Plan Magic
Watering the magic beans.
Commision by Sala de Blas Malaga
Commision by Sala de Blas Malaga

Milkmans Daughter?
Did you ever doubt about who actually your father is, cause you are so unlike your siblings? In Dutch we call them children of the milkman. I swear my mom is!

Losing My Marbles
The pandamic kinda got a hold on me (as on everyone else), I really felt I was losing my marbles!

If you really want something, go for it!
The town where I grew up is called Hoorn and the coat of arms is a Unicorn. If you look around you can find many representations of this creature.
This unicorn has a goal and does not stop untill she catches it!
This unicorn has a goal and does not stop untill she catches it!

Sleeping Beauty
Fairytales have been adapted to their time, but uhm, sometimes it is good to remember the original version. Did you know sleeping beauty had twins cuz a king took advantage of her sleeping body?

Don't judge a person by the looks please!
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